Saturday, September 8, 2007

In our spare time

What do you do when you don't want to scrap or visit the regular forums you hang out in, while in front of the computer? Here's what we do:

I'm a gamer. I love playing games. Right now, my game choices are Zuma and Bookworm. I'm doing quite well, if I do say so myself! I also read a lot of blogs, too many of them, really!

She checks out MSNBC. She is up to date on all of the news stories. I think she'd rather read the news than watch the news anchors. Who can blame her, afterall, isn't Anderson Cooper on CNN? I have seen Bethany play some of the trivia games. The other day, while at her house, we played two trivia games. It was pretty fun, but she usually knows the answers much quicker than I do. Surprisingly, she is very good at the eighties trivia (she wasn't even a teen or preteen during that time period)

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Over at Sweet Shoppe Designs, on their blog, you will find a dessert quiz. Feel free to head on over there to take it. We took the quiz and here's our results:


ANGEL FOOD CAKE - Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm and fuzzy items. A little nutty at times. Sometimes you need an ice cream cone at the end of the day. Others perceive you as being childlike and immature at times.

**I personally think that this doesn't fit me, okay, I have been told I'm sweet, but that's it!**


BROWNIES - You are adventurous, love new ideas, and are a champion of underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up, you whip out your saber. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humor and direction. You tend to be very loyal.