Thursday, May 15, 2008

Rachel has a new blog!

It's not working to add a link to it for some reason.

Come check it out!

Friday, March 28, 2008

How's Your Spelling?

Over at Sweet Shoppe Designs, they had a quiz on their blog to see how well you are at spelling. I tried the quiz and here's my results:

Your Spelling is Good

You got 9/10 correct.

Your spelling is generally pretty decent. You are prone to a few mistakes, but the mistakes you make are pretty forgivable.


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Good Pails to Have

I was looking at this blog,, and they are giving away a Good Pail to have!

The pails are super cute! Through March 31st, you can get free shipping on your order over $30. They have over 60 uses for the pails. I'm thinking I would use mine to hold rolled up flannel burp cloths. That way I could keep them out in livingroom. There are really cute patterns on the pails. Go check them out and be sure to check out momviews blog also! Better hurry if you want to try to win a pail!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Oh! Baby Buy Products: Babies have by-products.

This is a really neat blog to check out. Right now they are giving away some products from local bay area shops. They have highlighted the shops and give a little information on their products. They have found some neat finds that I probably would've missed if not for their blog. Go check them out and enter their contest! I am!