Here's Rachel's results:
You are 70% Smarter than a fifth grader.
You are almost smarter than a fifth grader. If you just got a bit more right. Then, you would be considered smarter. Nice try. Try again.
are you smarter than a fifth grader?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
Here's Bethany's results:
You are 50% Smarter than a fifth grader.
Retake fifth grade and try again. maybe now that you lost your bribe money you'll try to better instead of playing pac man.
are you smarter than a fifth grader?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
Now your turn! Take the quiz and let us know how you did!
Hello! I stumbled across your blog and thought I'd say hi. I took the test...came in right in between you both at 60%.
Hey guys... I got you through Courtney... how cool!! I took your quiz...I was 100% smarter thean a 5th grader!!! I should try out for the show...then fail once I got there!!!
Im also a scarpbook person..LOVE the "men on the beach" page!!! So cute
LOL... lets just say I am smarter then the average bear or monkey maybe too... heheeheee :)
you goooooo Lexiiiiiiiiii... LOL
100 percent smarter lol
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